Courses in English
Tired of sitting in lecture halls, listening and cramming?
Fancy some physical exercise?
Want some fun and meet new friends?
Join the Climbing course!

Climbing course for foreign students is completely run in English and is arranged especially with respect to students‘ needs and time schedule. It takes place during term and doesn’t affect the exam period.
The course is determined for beginners. And during eight lessons you can learn all climbing skills which are needed for doing this sport. And after finishing it you will be able to take friends and enjoy indoor or outdoor climbing on your own.
Avoid adopting mistakes and taking risks while “self-learning” which can be very inconvenient and possibly dangerous in this sport!
When: 17.10. – 5.12. 2017
every Tuesday 08:00 – 09:00 p.m.
Price: 1190 CZK
Student price: 890 CZK
(Student status certificate needed )
Where: Indoor climbing hall - Lokomotiva Plzeň
(Tram no. 2, stop: Bazen Slovany)
Age: 18 – 26 years
Capacity: 6 students
Applications: email me:, including: name, surname, passport number, phone, email address)
Payment: bank transfer to.: 2700273260/2010, VS: 20161810,
or in cash to instruktor at 1st lesson
Price includes: instructor, lending of full climbing equipment (but shoes). Price doesn‘t include climbing gym entry (single entry: 80 CZK)
Bring: sport clothes and shoes.
Any questions? Email me :)
tel.: +420 774 176 654